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The Adventures of Clarissa Hardy Page 2

  The maid nodded vigorously and left the room. Two minutes later, Bonnie came in, a lacy handkerchief held to her nose. She was a pretty girl, with dark hair worn in stylish waves, longer in the front and jauntily cut short up the back. Clarissa envied Bonnie her chest. Her beautiful bosom swelled against the dark blue middy blouse in a most provocative manner.

  Clarissa wrapped the poor girl in a warm embrace. “Why, darling! Whatever can have made you cry?” She guided her friend to the bed and sat her down. “Tell me all about it!”

  Bonnie snuffled pitifully. “I-I-I’m not sure I can, Clarissa. I’m really not.”

  “What do you mean?” scoffed Clarissa. “Of course you can tell me! We tell each other everything.” Which was not exactly true. Clarissa had never told Bonnie of her tryst with Eddie, not the details.

  Bonnie looked at her with the saddest eyes. “Harry and I are to be engaged. Next month.”

  Clarissa broke into laughter. “This is the best news! Are you crying for happiness?”

  “I am not.”

  “I thought you were in love with him. I thought you wanted to marry him. You certainly have whined about it for ages on end!” It was an undeniable fact that when Clarissa was puzzled, she became irritable.

  “Oh, Clarissa, don’t be short with me, please. Not now. I-I shall tell you. You know Roger Downs?”

  “Why yes,” replied Clarissa. “He’s the principal of the high school.”

  “Yes. And he is my superior in my career. And-and yesterday he called me into his office. Of course I went directly and immediately there. It was strange, though. His secretary was not there, and when I knocked at the door, he said, ‘Come in and lock the door behind you.’ I, of course, did as I was told. Then-then, oh, Clarissa! He took me in his arms and kissed me on the mouth! Only Harry has ever kissed me on the mouth!”

  Clarissa’s mouth gaped opened in shock. “Good heavens, Bonnie! What on earth! Wait, wait. Hold your story. We must light up.”

  Clarissa dropped to her knees and, reaching under the bed, brought out two long cigarette holders, an engraved silver cigarette case, and a crystal ashtray. Deftly, she inserted the cigarettes into the holders and handed one to Bonnie, who gratefully accepted. Clarissa lit Bonnie’s and then her own. “Go on,” she said, blowing the smoke to the ceiling.

  “Clarissa, Roger Downs told me he lusted for me. Lusted. That was the word he used. He told me he must have me. In every way you imagine he meant.”

  Clarissa could barely speak for shock. Finally, she collected her emotions. “He’s married! Why, he and his wife have been here in this house for dinner. He has business dealings with my father and my father holds part of the mortgage on his house! Whatever did you do?”

  “I told him I was to marry Harry. He said, go ahead and marry Harry. It was no concern of his. He said he didn’t care. He told me to meet him this Saturday noon in his office at the school or-or—”

  “Or what?”

  “Or he would see that I was fired from my job! He said he would help me financially. He would give me things. He would see that Harry and I could afford a small place of our own, but if I didn’t agree to-to be with him, he would fire me and force me to leave town.”

  “The cad!” Clarissa’s head was spinning. She could not believe her ears. She rose from the bed and began to pace back and forth, like a cat. “I shan’t let this happen! I shall go straight to Father!”

  “Oh, no! Please, no!”

  “We must stop this man! He cannot use you like this.”

  “Then we must think of something else to do. I won’t risk Harry hearing a breath of it.”

  “Okay, then. This is a challenge, but I shall think of something. Leave it to me. Do not go to the school tomorrow.”

  “Oh, what shall I do?”

  “Wait at home until I call for you. Tell everybody you have a sick headache, and stay in bed.”

  That night, Clarissa tossed and turned in her bed. She was never at a loss for courage. Hadn’t she made short work of Livinia Small when she bullied Missy Talbot to tears in front of the whole student body at dinner? However, the sensitivity of the matter at hand was paramount. The plan would take cunning, and the plan she was formulating under her neat blond bob would take all the courage she could muster. Roger Downs was bigger than Livinia Small.

  The next morning, Clarissa awoke, a woman with her mind made up. She rose, slipped into her blue silk dressing gown, because it gave her confidence, and went down to breakfast. She sat at the table alone. “Where is everybody?” she asked when Rose, the housekeeper, came in to pour her coffee.

  “Mr. Hardy went to the baseball game at the park with Michael Junior. He pitches today, you see, Michael Junior does. Against Winslet Paper.”

  “Oh, that’s right. The whole town will be there. Where’s Mommy?”

  “Mrs. Hardy went to the hospital auxiliary board meeting, then Mrs. Roger Downs will drop her off to watch Michael Junior pitch in the big game. I’m going myself soon’s I get the dishes done.” She went back through the swinging kitchen door.

  Clarissa sipped her coffee. So this was his plan, she thought. Of course. He would pick a day when most of the town was occupied. It was a cagey thing to do. No children or teachers at school. No people free to stop in. His wife on the auxiliary board with Mommy. Harry played on Michael Junior’s team, as well, so he would also be duly occupied.

  Rose came in with a plate of scrambled eggs and two sausage links. Clarissa promptly dismissed them. It would not do to have one’s stomach bloated with sausage or to smell of scrambled egg. Rose looked irritated, but said nothing, and disappeared again through the swinging doors. Clarissa went upstairs to dress.

  Dress was paramount. It had to be exactly right. Would she appear at Roger’s office a demure ingénue, cloaked modestly in her white middy blouse and skirt, evoking in him the desire to deflower the winsome virgin? Or would she go for the siren look? Show a little cleavage in the middle of the day? Perhaps a short skirt, exposing her plump knees. No, she decided, she would not force him to compare her physical attributes with Bonnie’s amazing bosom and inherent sexiness. She would hit him on a different level, somehow goading him into having the guts to deflower (for he would never know the difference) his friend and business partner’s daughter.

  Clarissa dressed carefully in a demure white, drop-waisted frock with a wide powder blue collar. She wore dark blue stockings, like a girl would wear, but underneath it all, she took extra care. On a soiree to the city one day, she had visited a lingerie shop in a part of town known to be not quite proper. She’d purchased a bustier in a shop there, made of white lace and trimmed with red ribbon. It laced down the front in the same ribbon. The edges didn’t quite meet, so her skin was visible all the way down to her navel in a soft, white strip.

  Once dressed, she set out, walking to the school, which was only half a mile away. On the way she perfected her plan and reflected on Roger Downs. He was not as old as her father, but she suspected he was nearly forty. Still, he had a certain youthfulness about him, being quite good-looking, even at his age. His hair was thick and dark brown. He wore glasses, but she had seen him playing tennis last summer with Michael Junior, and his physique, she had to admit, was impressive.

  Clarissa walked up the wide stone steps to the front door of the high school. She pulled on the heavy door, and it opened. The building was completely silent. The floorboards creaked softly as she made her way around the corner to the principal’s office. She could see there was a light on in the back office, but the anteroom, where the secretary sat, was empty and unlit.

  She tapped at the door quietly. She heard movement and through the frosted glass saw the figure of a man approach. The door opened, and there stood Roger Downs, fully dressed in his suit, waistcoat, white shirt, and tie.

  Roger could not hide his surprise. Perhaps to gather his thoughts, he looked at the clock. Clarissa followed his gaze. It was just noon.

  “Why, Clarissa,” he
said smoothly, “whatever are you doing here?”

  “I am on an errand for a friend,” said Clarissa. Her heart was beating so hard she hoped he could not see it beneath her dress. “May I come in?” Without waiting for a reply, she slipped past him into the office. “May we sit down privately?” she asked. She was afraid to break her stream of conversation. She passed quickly across the outer room and through the open door of his private office.

  She sat in a large wooden chair facing his desk. She could tell he was agitated as he followed her, confused, into the room. He closed the door behind him. “What is this all about?”

  Clarissa cut to the chase. It was the best strategy, after all. Take him between wind and water and don’t allow him to rally his forces.

  “My friend, my best friend, Miss Bonnie Lovell, with whom I am sure you are acquainted,” Clarissa paused for just the slightest tick of the clock before she continued, “asked me to come here today. She is down with a sick headache and did not want you to think that under any circumstances she had forgotten your meeting, nor the ramifications of it.”

  “Well, thank you, Clarissa,” said Roger amiably, standing in front of her. Clarissa demurely tucked her legs closer to her chair. “Miss Lovell and I have some very important discussions involving future curriculum.”

  “And that is what I would like to discuss with you, Mr. Downs. This curriculum and the importance of it.” He was silent, which is just what Clarissa wanted. “I know the nature of this curriculum, you see. A sort of natural science, as it were, which is perfectly acceptable, except that it is unacceptable to my friend, and I must ask that you drop your outrageous demands, apologize to her, and leave her alone now and in the future. Such behavior is dangerous to your family life, and the threats you have leveled are indeed unsportsmanlike!”

  A terrible cloud passed over Roger’s face, darkening it to nearly uncontrolled anger. For a brief moment, Clarissa was frightened, but she held her own and remained outwardly collected. Roger began to pace.

  “This is atrocious!” he cried. “What lies has the girl been telling? What is her plan now? She never leaves me alone! What is a man to do?”

  Now Clarissa laughed outright. “Oh, do not try to throw me off the trail, Mr. Downs! I am indeed a bloodhound when it comes to these things. I have known Bonnie intimately all our growing years. She is mad for Harry and will marry him before fall. You tried to seduce her and failed, and so you are angry and blackmail is your choice of revenge!”

  “There is nobody to believe you! The girl must do as I say, and lest you tarnish your own reputation, you had better stay out of my business.”

  It was going just the way Clarissa had hoped. He was beginning to talk to her man-to-man, even if she was a girl. That meant he was frightened. Now Clarissa delivered the blow that would cast the agreement in stone.

  “I have a proposition for you, Mr. Downs,” she said. He didn’t answer, but stood, glowering at her. “I propose a fulfillment of your offer to Bonnie Lovell. A fulfillment by proxy, you might say.”

  “What are you talking about?” he growled, shoving his hands deep in his pockets.

  “I propose this: I will fulfill Bonnie’s end of the bargain, and you will agree to apologize to her, wish her a wonderful marriage, and leave her alone now and in the future.”

  “What?” he shouted.

  Clarissa smiled. She loved when a plan came to fruition, when the pieces began to fit and form the picture.

  “Don’t be stupid,” Roger sputtered. “Why, why, you’re nothing but a girl!”

  “I am exactly Bonnie’s age. I am as good as my word and prepared to cut the deal now.”

  Roger took his hands slowly out of his pockets. He walked slowly around to the back of Clarissa’s chair and put his hands on her shoulders. “You are a virgin. Are you prepared for what will happen?”

  Neither affirming or denying his statement, she said winsomely, “Mr. Downs, I know you will respect my…innocence.” She nearly choked on the word. “I know you will be a gentle and kind teacher just as I will be a perfectly pliable student and let you do whatever you must.” She tucked her head meekly.

  He bent down and whispered in her ear. “I agree,” he said.

  Clarissa’s thighs clenched automatically, and she felt a little thrill in her stomach.

  Roger moved his hands down over her shoulders and cupped her breasts. “Don’t move,” he said. He squeezed lightly. Clarissa sat still. Then he moved around in front of her. He took off his glasses and laid them on the desk. His eyes locked on hers as he removed his suit coat and hung it carefully over the back of his chair. Then he stripped off his tie, undid his collar stays and cuff links, and unbuttoned his shirt. Clarissa watched his face flush as he let the shirt fall to the floor and pulled his undershirt over his head. He stood before her naked from the waist up.

  Clarissa could not help but smile. He was wonderfully built, with taut stomach muscles, strong biceps, and a muscled loin that descended into his slacks. Well, thought Clarissa, this may be a business deal with a scalawag, but there was no reason it couldn’t be fun.

  “Oh, Mr. Downs,” she whispered, feigning timidity, “what will you do?”

  “Stand up,” he said. Clarissa did his bidding. He approached her and, without touching her anywhere else, he kissed her on the mouth. His lips were full and sensuous, soft, and yet there was an aggression to his kiss that Clarissa found extremely titillating. She kissed him back.

  “So you do know how to kiss,” he said. “And what else do you know?”

  “I will do whatever you teach me,” she said with all the guilelessness of an innocent.

  He went down on his knees in front of her and lifted her skirt and petticoat. “Hold your skirts up so I can look at you,” he said. “You may find this entirely pleasant.”

  Clarissa did as she was bidden. Pulling down her drawers, he ran his finger around the tops of her stockings. Eddie had never done anything like this. Clarissa was thrilled. It was all she could do to remember to play the ingénue. Her mons was bared to him now. He reached up and spread the lips, running his finger along the inside edges. Clarissa was nearly driven to distraction. Then he leaned forward and kissed the lips of her cunt. It was something she had never before experienced. She groaned outright, in spite of herself. His tongue reached into her, igniting a fire in her inner most self.

  “I-I can’t stand,” she gasped, grabbing his thick hair in her fingers.

  Mr. Downs chuckled. “A fantastic first response,” he said. “You are a courageous and lusty girl.”

  Gently, he pulled her down to the carpet on the floor and laid her on her back. He rolled up her dress, slipping it over her head. He smiled with approval at the bustier. “Ah, we have a little wild one here in disguise!” He bent his head again and licked and lapped until, moaning with ecstasy, she spread her legs as wide as she could. Roger knelt between them and spread the lips of her wet cunt as well, then inserted his finger in that place, pumping it in and out, all the while stroking her with his other hand.

  Clarissa was wild with desire. She ached for her climax. She felt she could not survive unless the fever was satiated immediately. She moaned and twisted her body this way and that. Who could have thought something could feel so supremely wonderful?

  “I will make you come as you should,” he said. “And I will show you how.” She tried to calm her breathing enough to pay attention. He spread the outer lips of her cunt. “Here is the place,” he said, and he grabbed hold of something, something she was unaware belonged to her. “This is called your clit, and it is the seat of all these gyrations and desires.” So saying, he twirled it between his fingers, pulling at it, rubbing it. Then he bent down and sucked it.

  Clarissa cried out as her climax crashed around her and continued to crash in the most elegant and intoxicating manner. In the midst of her passion, she hadn’t seen that he had freed his cock until he said, “Now, I must have my part of the bargain.”

Clarissa opened her eyes and beheld a grown man’s cock, large and thick. She grew frightened, wondering if she could take the massive thing inside her. She was not that big, after all.

  His next remark surprised her greatly. “You must take it in your mouth,” he said.

  “What!” Clarissa gasped.

  “The bargain was for you to adhere to my wishes. Take my cock in your mouth. Suck it. Suck it as you would a piece of candy, for that is what it is!” He laughed and held the erect monster up to her face. “Take a lick,” he prodded.

  Clarissa was not prepared for this, but he had, after all, given her much pleasure with his own tongue. “Well,” she said, eying the piston of love admiringly, “why not?”

  She licked it gingerly with her tongue. There was a dampness about it, around the tip. She wrapped her lips around it and sucked gently. Mr. Downs groaned a bit. “Take it in your own hands. Rub and pull on it. Suck hard. Put as much of it into your mouth as you can. Relax your throat and more of it will fit.”

  Always a good student, Clarissa did as she was bade. It seemed to give him immense pleasure. He began to move back and forth, in a slow fucking motion, moaning softly all the while. Clarissa doubled her efforts, nearly swallowing the whole, hard shaft. It was quite lovely to feel that thing hard in her mouth. She rolled her tongue around it and cupped his ball sack with her hands. He began to thrust harder and she could hear him breathing heavily.

  “That is enough,” he breathed at last, withdrawing from her. “I do not want to come into your mouth this time.” It was then she realized there was another way of making a man climax. Before she could reflect more on the details, he spoke again.

  “Keep your legs spread,” he ordered. “I am going to sink my cock into you. It may hurt at first, in a virgin such as yourself, but you will soon forget the pain.” Expertly, Mr. Downs drove his cock home to the prize. He gasped as his balls smacked against her, and he began his thrusts. They were so vigorous, Clarissa moved along the carpet on her back until he grabbed her hips and hoisted her up to a sitting position on his lap. He moved her up and down, impaling her, all the while sucking on her nipples which had long ago burst forth from their garment. The heat between her legs grew until she felt another wash of ecstasy flowing over her. Breathless, she let him lay her back upon the carpet. Then his thrusts were harder and faster still.